Saturday, October 8, 2011

New Week

I have recently gone through some tough times, as I couldn't get a post up this week, as I have had life to attend. So I would like to know if its ok on the Release Day of Ubuntu 11.10 I write a maybe 3-4 paragraph post about it? After that I want to do one on Android. Android has brought nearly 200 Million people to linux, while only 40 million use Ubuntu. So as Chris Pirillo has said in one of his videos, "While Linux might not be strong on the Desktop side, it is a powerful kernel. And can be used on nearly anything, just as shown with Android." Linux will probably dominate nearly all mobile devices this next decade. So a video of that under but now to Android. I want to abstract it so you guys get a better feel for when I start playing with creating apps.:
These videos don't affiliate me in any such way!


So about Android.

  • Android is a company bought by Google for their market share in mobile devices
  • Android's current OS: Tablet 3.0, Phone 2.2, 2.3.4
  • Android phones are typically supported by every major telecommunications company
  • Android is a Linux OS with Java as UI C++ for runtime, and C for the core(Linux)
  • Google bought Android in 2008
So Android can also be researched at wikipedia, and a handful of places. Also a good portion of Android is open source.

So anyway, I will be doing a Ubuntu 11.10, and wanted to show you all that Ubuntu and Android, the two OS that control a nice market share.

So leave a comment saying what I can do better, thanks.

Farewell ~ J

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